We will publish it for you

If you have a manuscript you deeply believe in and dream of seeing it transformed into a real book, you’re in the right place.

With us, the protagonist
of your book is you.

1886 Publishing is not just a logo or a name on the cover; it will guide you through every step of the publishing journey.

No endless waiting

  1. The rights to your book will always be yours.
  2. You will have full control over the decision to reprint your book, whether with us, another publisher, or even on your own, whenever and however you prefer.
  3. We will provide you with an ISBN: this means your book will be listed in all commercial book catalogs, both nationally and internationally.
  4. You set the price of your book; we can offer some market-based advice if needed.
  5. You will receive 20% of the cover price for each copy sold directly through 1886, on online platforms, and in bookstores.

From manuscript to publication,
all hassle-free!

Discover how to reach your readers with our services:

  1. Print Distribution
  2. Print on Demand
  3. Ebook
  4. Audiobook


Promotional materials: bookmarks, counter displays, posters, postcards
Book Trailer
Social Media Advertising Campaign
Press Office
Video Interviews

And more:
Translation of your book into English and other languages
Participation in national and international book fairs

Imagine being able to hold
your book in your hands!

your book

We will format your work and send you a free printed black and white copy, all without any commitment on your part.

Along with this, you will receive our Publishing Proposal, which is completely non-binding.

You will have the freedom to review it and decide if you wish to proceed further with us.

You will finally hold your book in your hands, free of charge and without any obligations.

It’s time to make your dream tangible, transforming your work into a volume you can touch, see, and be proud of.

Send your manuscript now!
In 15 days, it will be delivered to your doorstep.
Don’t miss this opportunity!
Fill out the form with your details now.
