Paesi Inversi

Author: Piera Di Salvio
Language: Italian
Categoy: Poetry

Category Author

TITLE: Paesi Inversi

AUTHOR: Piera Di Salvio


ISBN: 978-981-17487-8-3




SIZE: 13,97 x 21,59 cm




A collection of poems. Be nomads, seekers of places. Be both preservers and settlers. Be everything and the opposite of everything. While venerating the land on which you now sit, learn to also inhabit elsewhere. Carry it within you like a feeling, like an emotion. Let the memories of lived loves, arduous encounters, and pleasant places you have traversed follow you. Return to the countries where the water is clean and the air is healthy, where the course of the roads is justified, and the position of the churches seems conducive to prayer.
Root yourselves within, taking care to bloom in other things only if, in these very things, a desire for recognition is satisfied. Carry with you every experience worthy of inhabiting you, and to which you will give permission to shape your inner geography.
Sooner or later, we all must return to a place of strawberries.

Piera Di Salvio was born and lives in Cava de’ Tirreni, a charming village in the province of Salerno. From a young age, she nurtured a passion for literature, which led her to pursue humanistic studies. After graduating in Literature from the University of Salerno, she specialized in Modern Philology, experimentally delving into some linguistic aspects of Dante’s poem.

Her academic career and her love for writing in verse have led her to a genre that embodies the evocative qualities of music and expresses emotions and states of mind more incisively.

Her book, Paesi Inversi (Reversed Countries) , is indeed a lyrical collection reflecting the author’s experiences, memories, and her need for a sense of belonging to a land. The collected poems are primarily an exploration of the sentiment of love, embraced in all its forms: from passion to nostalgia, from joy to sudden and inevitable melancholy. With an authentic voice and a lyrical, enveloping style, the author invites readers to immerse themselves in her inner world, offering moments of reflection and emotional connection.

Additional information

Weight 181 g


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